The Women in STEM Leadership Council hosted the Professional Networking Event for Graduate Women on November 26th (4-6pm) to develop mentorship networks for graduate women in STEM departments at Princeton. Our goal was to introduce first year and second year graduate women to female faculty and postdocs in their department and other STEM departments, highlighting women at higher levels of academia in STEM fields that can provide graduate school advice and possibly serve as mentors for these students. The event was a huge success, with thirty-two first and second year STEM graduate students from across twelve departments and programs in attendance. We hope that this event, the first of its kind to our knowledge to be held at Princeton, will pave the way for future conversations about mentorship and more events targeted at developing mentorship networks for women within and across STEM departments. This event could not have been held without support from Princeton’s Psychology Department, Campus Life, and the Graduate School’s Professional Development Initiatives.