Non-departmental Grad Resource Pamphlet
The Princeton Women in STEM Leadership Council 2018 climate survey found that many graduate students have limited knowledge of and confidence in the resources available for reporting any concerns such as inter-personal conflict, harassment or violence during your time at graduate school. We want to ensure that you have the information and resources necessary to succeed during your time at Princeton. We also understand that in many circumstances, within-department resources may not be a viable or appropriate course-of-action when concerns arise. We have developed a pamphlet that outlines information about relevant University offices and other possible resources that exist outside, and are independent of, academic departments. These resources can and should be used for any graduate concern ranging from inter-personal conflict, harassment or violence, to any general concerns or issues that arise during your time at graduate school. For issues related to sexual harassment, misconduct, possible Title IX violations, and interpersonal violence, we also provide more detailed information on the Title IX process and additional resources that can be accessed to help you better understand how this process works. As a general rule, we recommend that any graduate student with concerns of this nature first contact the Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources & Education (SHARE) Office, a confidential resource that can provide advice and guidance on the available options. If you have any questions about this pamphlet, please email If you have any questions about your options or the details of these resources, please contact SHARE.
Princeton University WSTEM Groups
By department:
- Chemistry: Female Researchers in Chemistry (;
- Computer Science: PWiCS, Princeton Women in Computer Science (
- GeoSciences & AOS: PWiGS, Princeton Women in GeoSciences
- EEB: WiSP, Women in Science Partnership (
- Physics: Princeton Women in Physics
Across departments:
- Women in STEM Leadership Council (;
- GWiSE, Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (
- Princeton Graduate Society of Women Engineers (
- Women’s Center STEM mixers (
- Princeton SACNAS Chapter (
- Graduate Women of Color Caucus (
- Intersecting Queer Identities (
- Queer Graduate Caucus (